[{"value":"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire","year":2005,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/4.jpg","desc":"During Harry's fourth year, the Dark Mark appears in the sky after a Death Eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup, Hogwarts plays host to a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament, there is a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Alastor Moody and frequent nightmares bother Harry all year."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone","year":2001,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/1.jpg","desc":"Harry Potter is an orphaned boy brought up by his unfriendly aunt and uncle."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets","year":2002,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/2.jpg","desc":"Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts for their second year, which proves to be more challenging than the last."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince","year":2009,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/6.jpg","desc":"In Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are increasing their terror upon the Wizarding and Muggle worlds."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix","year":2007,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/5.jpg","desc":"Harry's fifth year begins with him being attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows","year":"2010, 2011","cover":"harry-potter-covers\/7.jpg","desc":"After unexpected events at the end of the previous year, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are entrusted with a quest to find and destroy Lord Voldemort's secret to immortality \u2013 the Horcruxes."},{"value":"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban","year":2004,"cover":"harry-potter-covers\/3.jpg","desc":"Harry Potter's third year sees the boy wizard, along with his friends, attending Hogwarts School once again."}]